Thursday, August 26, 2010

You Are Groping My Wife

Choosing the right life / Lillian Mae

Although we all know the basic rules for good nutrition, proper sleep and so on, we must recognize that the needs of our body are constantly changing. As a result, we are constantly required to reassess the number of and type of food and sleep time in which we need.

Find your space. completing the exercise, described in the preceding pages, consider whether your needs the space where you are now. Have you ever wondered at his choice, whether it will serve for your holiday, Labor or inspiration? Ask yourself what you need right now and go back to where you can achieve the desired. You want to make a 20-minute break from work? Go out of working room in the living room where you can thoroughly relax during those 20 minutes and completely distracted from their work. Would you read this book while sitting on a stool in the kitchen when the neighborhood is a room where you could have been much more imbued with meaning read? Thinking about these questions, you are already directly practicing in feng shui at the elementary, basic level.

proper location. Spend some time out to think about where you could move to reading this book was the most effective and inspiring you busy. For example, you might want to sit in a comfortable chair among a relaxing environment. Maybe you want to go into a hot tub or sit outdoors in the courtyard. It is also probable that the place where you are now reading this book, it is absolutely unsuitable for this purpose, and you need to move in urban cafe or somewhere in nature, such a beautiful field.

changing needs. Think about what you would like to do at the moment time, and what you need to do. If you read this book in bed and feel very tired, we all said that it was time to stop reading, because otherwise you can not not learn exactly what it says in the book, or enjoy high-quality sleep! Put the book aside, put out the light and calm fall asleep, and promised myself the time to read this book tomorrow, when you feel more awake and fresh.

your responsibility for the condition own health will be effective from the moment you take care of that environment every time corresponded to your current needs - meaning that they are constantly changing. So always try to find a place that will really inspire and support you for doing the things that you do in a given time.

Hard Drive Motor Generate Electricity

Chapter 2 DEVICE PARTITIONING / Primakov Kostenko

partitions are thin internal wall. If the partitions are based on the foundation and the load they are carrying. For devices used for their material walls are wood, plaster, brick, made of light concrete, etc.

By design partitioning distinguish between solid, made from piece goods directly in place, frame and assembled from panels - panels.

Partitions should be strong, stable, have adequate heat and sound insulation. Surface walls must be smooth. When mounting the partitions, remember that they can not be installed on floors, they must rely on the beams, girders. In places ground floor with a sound-proof walls paved strip. When the device partitions into account the possibility of precipitation of the building, so in stone buildings, walls made below the ceiling of 10-15 mm, and in bruschatyh and timber - to 50 mm. This gap close up tow and mortar. Gaps in the field of contiguity walls to walls prokonopachivayut antiseptirovannoy tow soaked in alabaster solution. By the wooden partition wall nail, but to stone - steel ershami who hammered into wooden antiseptirovannye tube incorporated into the walls. Partitions can be mounted on a beam across the and along the beams.

solid walls are made mostly single. They are made from thick planks of 40-50 mm, width 100-120 mm, cohesive vertically. Board partitions fastened to the overlapping with studs, the lower rail is fixed to the joists with nails or lag.

Before installing partitions in the place where it will stand, necessary to fight off the wall cord two vertical chalk line, then sleepers, beams, ceiling mark out a line of boards installed studs septum after which are fixed with nails to the floor and ceiling of the upper and lower marking harnesses. Between the piping on the floor and ceiling forms a groove in which to insert the board partitions. In the pre-cut to size boards mark out space for the formation of holes around the spikes. Boards set vertically, bonding between is spiked with glue. The diameter of spines 10-12 mm, length 100 mm; have their height increments 1-1,4 m. To trim board partitions fastened with nails, and boards should be 10 mm shorter than the distance between the strapping.

Framed partitions consist of racks, upper and lower studs section 30-50? 50-100 mm. The frame is collected on nails on the floor and then install the assembly in place on beforehand of marked lines. Attach the frame to the stone walls ershami, were killed at predetermined wooden tube, and the wooden walls - nails. Verticality of the frame check plumb. On the whole place a deviation from vertical to 10 mm.

After reconciling vertical frame sheathe on both sides of the boards 19-25 mm thick plate materials, fibreboard, plasterboard sheets, nailing them to the frame with nails. The inner space filled with mineral wool.

Panel-panel partitions installed so. First, mark out the place setting partitions, then to the floor joists and nailed to the ceiling lower and upper thrust blocks, which must be in one vertical plane. Focusing on these blocks, set the first outermost panel, adjacent to the wall. After checking the verticality of its fastened to the wall and to beam nail length 70-90 mm, then customize it to another panel. Between a panel fastened with nails and beaten at an angle so that they got through establishing a panel (panel) in a previously installed.

What Is A Conforming Fixed Loan

Warming loggias and balcony s / Tatiana Dimov

If the office has access to a loggia or a balcony, then the repair and equipping the office in advance to make sure that the winter season was not cold in the room. And for this purpose should be carefully warmed terrace (Loggia).

In general, all maintenance work on warming balcony consist of several stages.

First, you need to protect a balcony or loggia of precipitation. To do this will not only install and glazing frames, but close up lattice fence. If the fence on the balcony or loggia of brick or concrete, it will be enough to warm it. Best of all, based on the existing barrier arrange a multi-barrier: the outer layer is made of waterproof material such as plastic laminate, and the inside of the warmed, based on their own inquiries and opportunities (penouteplitelem, wood, fiberboard or particle board).

If the balcony railing will include wooden items, or planned interior rack, it is necessary to provide vapor barrier. This is an important element of the warming of wood, protecting tree from the ravages of condensation - moisture inevitably released from the air at the border of the two temperatures.

vapor barrier suit from the roll materials are not afraid of moisture (glassine, plastic film, etc.). It should breathe freely, that is in contact with the outside air. Then the wood design elements will be dry and will break down after many years.

Warming roof terrace of the upper deck is on the same principle, that warming of the fence. To make a private balcony or loggia part of the apartment (in particular, the cabinet) should be removed from the opening portion of the wall and the balcony door and move radiator in the office or other place under the window of a new glass-fronted building. Thus there is an increase in size cabinet a balcony in this case turns into something between a bay window and a lamp protruding from the wall.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Muscle Dystrophy Probability

Bow gardening / Gennadi Petrovich Malakhov

Onion has a sharp taste that is associated with the presence in it of essential oils. In addition, different varieties of onion contain 3,7-4,6% crude protein, 0,05 - 0,14% 0,65% sugars and mineral salts (including potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron), vitamins B a , B 2 , RR, S.

Eating onions is very helpful for atherosclerosis and heart disease, particularly if based food products are high fat. Substances contained in onions, inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol and thus reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Regular consumption of onions prevents increase in blood sugar. In addition, onions fills our body with vitamins, inhibit harmful microbes and is excellent prophylactic against influenza, colds, and colds, because it contains volatile, has antibacterial properties. If the consume onions in a fried or boiled, it fitontsidnye properties disappear. Thermally processed onions become sweet carbohydrate product.

Green Bow-pen, obtained by germination of onion, used fresh. It contains much more potassium salts, calcium, and carotene and vitamin C than in the bulb onion. When you add it to dishes not only improves the taste, but greatly increases their content of vitamins (carotene, ascorbic acid). Green onions can improve the appearance of food that is of great importance in the diet. Add it to dishes directly before their use.

archery can be prepared not only spices, but the soup, which is great help for cancer. Preparing it this way: follicle size of a lemon along with a brown outer rind finely chop and fry in vegetable fat or oil (until onion is golden brown) then add 0.5 liters of cold water and cook until the onions are still seethe. Then add some vegetable broth and stir. After this filter: drink only clear soup - without onions!

onion juice is used as influenza, expectorant, diuretic, laxative, protivogemorroynoe and wound-healing agent. By itself, onions, and in particular the juice out of it, contributes to the preservation of teeth (it prevents tooth decay and other putrefactive processes in the mouth), increases appetite, improves digestion (due to their "hot" properties), and stimulates sperm production, improve eyesight, helps to eliminate sand with nephrolithiasis (volatiles of onions have crushing effect).

onion juice are recommended in the fever, headache, furunculosis, to strengthen the hair - 1 tbsp. or 1 dess. spoonful of juice with the same amount of lemon juice, honey can be.

presence of chlorophyll (green pigment) in the juice bow-pen will explain it a slightly different effect - stimulating hematopoiesis.

Contraindicated bow to those who have severe kidney disease liver and stomach, such as gastric and duodenal ulcers.

* teaspoon finely chopped onion mixed with 4 tbsp. spoons of boiled cooled water or sleeping tea pale yellow. Infuse for 10 minutes, strain through a cheesecloth, add a little sugar or honey (if not allergic to it) and stir. Lubricate nose inside.

* With a cold onion juice can be obtained rubbed onions on a small grater and squeeze onion mush through cheesecloth. To 1 tbsp. spoon of water require only one drop of onion juice. This mixture should be instilled into the nose every hour.

* With a cold and sore throat do inhalation: add to hot water 1 teaspoon onion juice and breathe steam, covered his head with a towel.

* For sore throat to squeeze the juice from the bulbs and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day.

* Mix grated onion and apple, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey. Take 2 tsp 3 times a day.

* Mix onion juice and honey in the ratio 1: 1. Take a mixture of 1 teaspoon 03.04 times a day for 20 minutes before meals.

* When bronchitis grated onion, add 3 tbsp. spoon of honey, pour? cups water, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, press 2 hours, drain. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.

* When starting a cold slurry of 2-3 cloves garlic, diluted in a glass of fresh carrot juice. Take по ? стакана несколько раз в день за 30 минут до еды в первые 2 дня болезни.

* Свеженатертую луковицу залить 0,5 л кипящего молока, настоять в теплом месте 1–2 часа, drink for the night 1 cup hot infusion, and another - in the morning.

* Onion poultice. Rub the grated 1 onion, squeeze the juice through cheesecloth into a separate bowl. Onion mush put on gauze and wrap her neck, upper cover with polythene and a warm scarf. Leave the compress on the night.

* Rub the grated two bulbs. Then Take 5 large cabbage leaves, each leaf, place the grated onion. Attach the leaves to the neck and wrap her woolen scarf.

* The leaves of sage pour cool boiling water, leave for 20 minutes. Grate onion and squeeze the juice out of it. Onion juice is added to the broth and rinse with this solution throat. Can be taken orally on? cup 3-4 times a day.

* Onion inhalation: the bottom of a clean cup to put 2 tbsp. tablespoons freshly grated onion, put the cup in a pan of hot water and cover with a funnel of thick paper. The end of a funnel attached to the nose and breathe fumes for about 10 minutes through each nostril. This procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Teacher Travel Grants 2010

WORD MAKES Alfred Hitchcock / Robert Arthur


following text требуется для лучшего понимания исключительно лишь тем читателям, которые только что присоединились к нам. Те же, кому давно известно про Трех Сыщиков, могут general perelistnut this page and immediately get down to business.

And for the "newcomers" to announce: Three Investigators - a three adventurous boys who opened their detective bureau: Jupiter Jones, Peter Crenshaw and Bob Andrews. Yup appointed himself chief. Bob keeps an archive and is investigating the case materials. Pete, a clever and strong - the irreplaceable assistant Yupa in all operational activities.

Boys live in Rocky Beach - a small town in the American Pacific coast near Hollywood. Here in Southern California, the distances are so great that without a car is simply not enough. But none of them even has the right to sit at the steering wheel, but the problem was resolved when Jupp won the competition in the competitive car with chauffeur provided by the hire company at his disposal. The car, a Rolls-Royce with gilded moldings, a wholly owned them for a certain period.

Young detectives placed his office in a converted trailer for camping, standing in the courtyard of the company that sells salvage and owned by his uncle and aunt Yupa - Titus and Matilda Jones. The headquarters consists of small offices, laboratories and shop. All the furniture and equipment boys gathered themselves - from old svezennogo the firm Jones. Inside the caravan You can enter only through hidden tunnels that are available only to young ladies boyish sex.

That's enough to navigate at first. I do not approve of trends will certainly simplify everything for young readers and chew it like porridge. I prefer to recommend a better book to read and most to get to the point.

Engagement Invitation Wording And Sayings

... 25 January 21.30 PM ... / Andrey Negrivoda

... They, the entire group except for the time outside, sitting at a rough table by the fire and listened to Lieutenant:

- So, guys ... I want to summarize the first day of operation ... - Som rubbed his unshaven cheek. - A result of this ... Thanks to the able and competent actions of junior sergeant Ergashalieva our group has been demolished by the "ghosts" of up to fifty barrels! .. And besides! Command, through him, to get an opportunity to better coordinate the actions of military units ... And I did not mention the fact that junior sergeant was taken as a very valuable language with which we have "cleaned" group "bearded"! ..

Starlite looked at the Mullah:

- Today is your birthday, Abdullah ... We wanted to mark it as usually do, and to present you a little present ... a soldier - he unbuttoned his uniform jacket and from somewhere out of his bosom took a small but very beautiful oriental dagger in silver sheath. - I know - do you like such things, and he captured ...

Mulla took it with both hands, gently twirled in his hands, examining, and then took out a dagger from its sheath, and in the wrong light flashed blue small blade Damascus steel ...

- Rahmat, ata ... - Abdullah was so touched by this gift, which is quite involuntarily moved to the native Tajik language.

Somin just smiled and continued:

- But! .. It's not us, but you did us all a huge gift in your day Mulla! .. I think that everybody agrees with me ... - The answer was only a silent nod. - So ... After returning to the location of the company, I will personally petition command before awarding junior sergeant Ergashalieva Medal for Military Merit "! ..

- And That's right! - Could not resist Ensign Avdeev. - He is today and earn more money, sorry, do not give a ... "For military ..." should give a must!

- Thank you, Commander ... - murmured Mulla.

- Well and the last for today ... Birthday of our Ranger, I think it should be noted all the same! .. Of fifty grams of "awl" I think it does not hurt to relieve tension ... Nor should today have nothing else happens - too late! ..

Starlite was wrong ... it happened! Yes, such that "..

Pokemon Yellow Gpsphone

Chapter 17 / A. Miller

straight at them looked dead, sunken eyes of a cat.

from it smelled worse than trash.

Jade threw a cat together with a parcel of land.

- It can not be - moaned Dean. - Dead Cat. Farberson thrown out a dead cat.

- Miss Morrison said that She failed the day began - Jade remembered. - Maybe it's because her cat was dead. And she herself was not able to remove it. And asked Farbersona.

- It can not be - shaking his head and repeated, Dean, barely holding back tears to the eyes navernuvshiesya. - I am so upset, Jade.

- Me too. - Jade, leaning back to the car and closed her eyes. - I thought the same thing as you, Dean. I thought a mask in our pocket. I thought ... oh, what's now talk! - With bitterness in his voice she said. She looked at the cat lying on the ground and winced.

- now what? - Grimly asked Dean. - Where is the reward for all our labors?

- Well, at least we learned that Farberson Saturday is going to leave the country. We learned that he and Miss Morrison ...

- Nothing we have not learned - interrupted her Dean. - Nothing. No evidence. No evidence that a masked man - this is it. No evidence that it was he murdered his wife. Nothing.

- Or maybe it really is not it - thoughtfully handed Jade.

- What? - Dina in a daze staring at her friend.

- Maybe we were wrong, because we just thought that the voice Farbersona like a voice of a man in a mask. But we must face the truth. Dean: We have no evidence that this he said. As you said.

- None. It was him. This is exactly Farberson - confidently said Dean. - I'm in this no doubt.

Jade looked at her.

- Not at all?

Dean said no. Then, weary sigh, said:

- Let's go home.

They sat in the car. Dean fumbled in the dark in search of keys.

- And why the parking lot No lights? Temnotischa how to FADR Street.

Jade just shrugged.

- Do not even remind me about this place.

Dean finally found the keys and tried to grope insert them into the ignition.

- Faster - irritation said Jade. - Should get out of here.

- I try - apologetically said Dean. She started the engine and launched the car.

She looked in the rearview mirror - and then back stretched a hand and grabbed the hurt cross over his shoulder.

- No! - She cried and hit the brakes. Jade turned around with wide eyes of horror and straight ahead I saw a masked man - and at the same moment on her shoulder down his heavy hand.

- Ouch - it hurts!

tightly clenched their shoulders, the man leaned over to him at close range.

enveloping their hot breath, he growled angry bass:

- Do not get me more on the eyes. I warned you.

from it reeked of garlic.

Otpihnuv girls, he jumped from the car and not slamming the door disappeared in the darkness.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Do It Yourself Spotting Scope Cover

35. How to raise production after shot / Vitaly Vinogradov

That better not pull on the line or the arrow just a wounded fish, everyone knows more or less experienced hunters. I do not mean those desperate situations when nothing else remains. In nine out of ten cases, all trying to catch prey hands, and then raise it to the surface.

often raise fish outright fails. Or it clocked up a sheaf of grass or tangled in the branches of the dam and the roots of the underwater stump. Here begins the most interesting. My advice: the first thing to put right there at the bottom of the fish to cook. To do this, you must be free of fish, easily detachable from Belt Cook. Then remove the fish from the boom and raise it to the surface. Now the big fish will not bother you to unravel the line, will not muddy the water there.

as an arrow, and a gun - not small things, pass through them through the gaps between the branches and trunks are not always successful. We are doing differently. Unstrap line of rifle and pulling him by the arrow from the dam.

To implement all these operations, we have to dive into the obstruction more than once. But, having mastered this technique, you can shoot any fish in any dam, not being afraid to lose a gun, no catch.

How Long Can One Live With A Bowel Obstruction

Squirrel / Natalia Dubrovskaya

shustraya squirrel jumping on branches of trees. She must hurry - will soon fall. Cones, acorns, nuts - All have time to collect the thrifty squirrel. So warm and cozy to be in the hollow of a cold winter!

Materials Needed:

green sheet of paper, light orange sizoflor in A4, dried oak leaves and branches of larch cones, acorns, bark, plastic glazik, black buttons, scissors, PVA glue.

Light orange sizoflor fix glue on the green sheet of paper. Larch twig at the bottom of the sheet. Oak leaves lay on the edges of the background so that the right part remained free. Complete applique acorns.

details for squirrels prepare images of birch bark. Please note that for you потребуется не лицевая, а изнаночная сторона бересты. У нее светло-коричневый цвет. Маленький овал – голова; большой овал – туловище; два треугольника – ушки; two feet. Feature images of squirrels - it amounts. Try to pick up the tail for the most twisted part of the bark. Lay out all the details on background and consistently secure. Lubricate only with glue protruding edges of birch bark. Need enough time to glue dries. Complete the picture plastic glazikami and nose - a black button.

When work is completed, make it the bulk of paper frame. One side of the frame can be decorated young twigs of larch, and they would be a continuation of branches from the image.

Steel Pot Rainbow Stain

flickering / Sergei G. Smirnov

In recent years, poaching and fishing news in many water bodies makes meeting with solid specimens of a large fortune. The remaining prey fish well adapted to the new conditions of survival. With each passing year, it becomes prudent, but we can say more intelligent. Against this background joyless flickering, unfortunately, have passed their position more perfect bait and moved over to the second and even on the third plan.

Most conventional models with a significant radius, or, simply, noticeably convex spherical surface, because very low catchability anglers rarely used. The once popular model of "spoons", particularly domestic production, has long been treated to retro-spoon and stored in separate containers anglers, as a memento of bygone days. Not only attracts predators, and long-tested homemade. Even successful design spinners are effective in the narrow intervals: after spawning and Weeks 2-3 to freeze.

Naturally, the novice fisherman tormented question: "Why" kolebalki, so similar to natural fish lose "spinner" on catchability in 2 or even 3 times? "And the answer is simple:" The majority of "Kolebalok" low-intensity, and unattractive to predators game consisting of a sluggish and perevalivaniya swinging from side to side. "Kolebalki" do not create around vibrational field that is an acoustic signal, captured a predator from a distance. Fish can not hear and does not feel like moving jig, and in the muddy water and not see it from close range.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are Gold Pokemon Stronger

Types of massage / Valeria Vladimirovna Ivlev

Massage - is part of the manipulation, the system of special mechanical impacts on the surface of the human body for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Massage enhances performance, improves overall tone the body and restores the damaged functions. This influence, or techniques - kneading, tapping your hands or a special apparatus.

There is an incredible number of types of massage. The most common - it's hygienic, medical, sports, segmental-reflex, cosmetic, point, the hardware massage and, finally, self-massage.

There are also more sophisticated techniques based on the reflex zones and points. For example, in the foot there are points impact on that stimulate the work of virtually all organs and body systems.

technique reflex effects on the feet - is a simple and quite effective against many diseases, and simply as a method of maintaining good health. Oriental medicine provides a whole treatment system by mechanical action on the active points of the feet. Stimulation of each point leads to effects on the organ or system with which this point is connected. Since for a detailed study of all the nuances and subtleties of this technique specialists spend years to diletantok like us you can offer two options. The first is to consult a specialist in this field. They say that good people can work wonders. But do not forget that when we resort to the Eastern methods of treatment and recovery, together with the methods we have to learn the philosophical system, and connect a mechanical or pharmacological effects of meditation techniques and anger management.

You can choose simpler. Easy to use insoles for shoes with applicators or special pads that massage the foot, we reach the part of some similarity of the reflex massage. The stimulatory effect of such procedures say all who used them. Or, coming home, sitting in front of TV, you can try to roll an object (a bottle, rolling pin, a special machine that can be purchased at specialty store). Undoubtedly, such an exercise fatigue and pain in the legs, gives vivacity.

Generally, the eastern system healing deserve special attention and the format of this book is to present them small. In terms of massage, there are many systems, each in its own way good. There is a massage only with hands and with the help of aids. Acupuncture - generally a huge area, varieties of which are vast. Acupuncture can be called in those sections of the massage. Its essence is to impact on certain points with special needles, cigar tins, needle hammers. Modern medicine makes extensive use of these ancient practices and creates a new system in which the ancient knowledge and experience combined with modern technologies and techniques of traditional medicine.

This example is acupuncture currents, modern aromatherapy, acupressure, technology tsubo and other techniques, synthesized world experience. If you ever want to supplement their knowledge these practices, first carefully study literature, and better yet, sign up for courses the person who really helped at least one of your friends. A warning against self- based on the fact that the possibility of using acupuncture as a minimum, require knowledge of the exact location of these same points. Contact with past or to another point is fraught with unpleasant consequences for health.

Leather Minolta Camera Bag

8. Chronic pancreatitis / V. Kuznetsov

Chronic pancreatitis - a progressive inflammatory disease, with sclerosing and destruction of endocrine pancreatic tissue. Is a consequence of acute pancreatitis. Contribute to the development of chronic pancreatitis gallbladder disease, hemochromatosis (a combination of liver disease to diabetes and pancreatic insufficiency; giperparatireodizm; vascular lesions, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis is triggered by errors in diet, a violation of the regime, bacterial and viral infections.


classification is as follows.

I. Form:

1) recurrent;

2) with a constant pain syndrome;

3) latent.

II. Period of the disease:

1) aggravation;

2) remission.

III. Clinical course:

1) type: recurrent;

2) the severity: mild, medium, heavy;

3) posindromnaya Response: pancreat-hepatic, cerebral, renal syndromes.

IV. Stage of the disease: initial deployed manifestations final.

V. State of the pancreas: 1) the state of the external secretion:

a) without manifestations of exocrine insufficiency;

b) with signs of exogenous failure;

2) the state of internal secretion:

a) without disturbances;

b) in violation of (hyper-and hypothyroidism insular apparatus). VI. Complications of the pancreas.


symptomatic paroxysmal pain (aching, dull or stabbing), which are wrapped nature, radiating to back, left arm. Decreased appetite, nausea, unsteady stool, abdominal bloating, loss of weight. In aggravation DEFENSE muscles of the upper part abdomen. Soreness at Leto - Robson, at Desjardins. Positive symptoms Shoffara, the Grotto. Intoxication symptoms: irritability, sometimes aggression, emotional lability, blue under the eyes, conjunctivitis, cracks in the corners of the mouth, the phenomenon of hypovitaminosis.


In general, the analysis of blood neutrophil leukocytosis with left shift, lymphocytosis, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia.

In the biochemical analysis of urine - increase of amylase, peptidase. In the biochemical analysis of blood - increase of amylase, lipase, hypo-and disproteinemiya. Coprogram - steatorrhea, kreatoreya, aminoreya. On the U.S. - increased cancer or her department due to edema or sclerosis.

ray diagnostics - extension arc of the duodenum, increased relief of the medial wall.

Differential diagnosis

differential diagnosis spend with nefroishiazom, intussusception.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Relative Bradycardia In Typhoid

Aphorisms on a light day / Gennady E. Malkin

Aforisty - wonderful people! While many writers throughout the history of literature searching (and sometimes unsuccessfully) in recognition of humanity through the creation of huge novels, epics and poems, aforisty trying to achieve the same goal through the tiny proposals, which they call a aphorisms the phrase, the laconic, assuming (and rightly so too) that the idea running through the works of other pudgy may well fit into the size of the proposal. The funny thing is that aforisty possibly be right.

Indeed, in several folios, life histories, and even human lives in the very strong demand these are the suggestions! "After us - the deluge," the State - it's me "," Money does not smell "," Man - it sounds good, "" If it is impossible, but very desirable, then we can "," If you want to live longer, we die with laughter. " It's all or almost all that remains of the emperors, vagrants, novels, songs and poems. But if the huge amount produced by people waste rock will be needed just coming across some gold nuggets of aphoristic thoughts, why spend the mind, honor, conscience, and, most importantly, time to establish itself breed? How much more productive to the creative process will proceed if the creator will only create much-needed all the gold nuggets!

However, since "brevity - the sister of talent, but her stepmother fee", the creator of aphorisms can safely go to the cashier without a big bag for money, but the recognition he clearly wins: a grateful reader who does not need to read mnogopudovye volume, to test, saying, beautiful, catharsis aforista loves, appreciates and remembers his concise, catchy compositions.

To achieve excellence in creativity, "to cut off all unnecessary. " That a public learned the truth aforisty best creators - writers and artists, even the best poets have traditionally attracted to the aphoristic. "In my death, I beg to blame my life," Living the life does not go away "," Setting pawns creates the illusion that you - the King, "" In a fair fight wins a crook, "" Love - Is falling up - take a look and listen to these phrases. Not a single superfluous word! No superfluous sound! No excess stroke!

It's all written with a brush Gennady Malkin, fine artist aphoristic thoughts, a member of Moscow Writers Union, winner of the Golden Calf, "" Club 12 chairs "of the Literary Gazette, and in general a good person. Are these pearls is less philosophy, journalism, intelligence, skill, and even poetry, than in most three-dimensional works? No, no less! And all in one bottle!

Anticipating another book by Gennady Malkin these idle, but not out of place, I think, arguments, I foresee the pleasure experienced by the reader, traveling on her wise, funny and sarcastic pages. Such a journey of numbers memorable! In a way, the reader! Indifferent in this book you will not go away!

Paul Khmara

Traverse Curtain Rods At Walmart

# 310: Arfografiya /

December 8, 2008, 12:45. Rating: 2662

worked as an engineer Computer Center in a small college. Login to uchetki user-student user, the password is simple - three digits (in order to quickly remember).

came the first course, read them TB, explained like to come, sit, work. Password like all remember, in the following sessions to pierce it, and because the user name in the login box domain is usually always is User, they are at it off the radar and not pay.

And then after two weeks had something quick to deliver, I went under uchetki admin, and everywhere else in the class in windows domain admin login preserved. Then came the first course. And started another change - and why I did not call and why things are not working.

I go to the most active, I say, here's your password, you say, remember, and login then you have some? He says: "Oh, sure!" And he continues to sit. Then timidly asked - and what kind of login? I decided to check knowledge, I say - "user", in English only. Pause. Do not know. Asked the neighbor, after a short brainstorming group recalled that "user". Someone, I looked, already gone, and this same drive a freshman in the login field "UZER". Of course, does not go.

barely suppressing hysterical, asking how to spell the word "users".

He scratches his head and thinks out loud - not UZIR it? Tries. No, not UZIR. Guys advise - write UzAr. Following are the options Uzor, Yzer, Yozer, Yuzer, Yozir, Yozar, big and small ...

In the end, I promised him to go to the head of the department of English and personally supervise that the above three did not intend, hammered and went to the login server.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cat With Bone Cancer On The Face

III. Published sources and literature / Nicholas TSeren

Ageev, SF The struggle for national freedom Kalmyk, Halmag, 1944, Nr. 12

Arbakov, Dorzha, The Kalmyks (Complete Destruction of National Groups as Groups), in: Genocide in the USSR. Studies in Groups Destruction, Munchen, New York 1958, p. 30-36

Balin, Shamba, the liberation struggle of the Kalmyk people will of the people, ACPD, Nr. 9, 13.12.1944

Balin, Shamba, the 8-th anniversary of the liquidation of the Kalmyk recpubliki, the Caucasus, Nr. 4-5, Munchen, 1951, c. 38-41

Balinov, Shamba, The Kalmyk Buddhists (Attempted Destruction of other Religious Groups), in: Genocide in the USSR. Studies in Groups Destruction, Munchen, New York 1958, S. 193-196

Bergmann, Benjamin, nomadic wanderings among the Kalmuk in the years 1802 and 1803, parts 1, 2, 3, Riga, 1804, part 4, Riga 1805

Bormanshinov, Arash, The Kalmyk in America 1952-1962, in: Royal Central Asian Journal, The Royal Central Asian Society, London, I, 1963, p. 149-151

Brautigam, Otto, So it has happened to her ... A life as a soldier and diplomat, Wurzburg, 1968

Conquest, Robert, The Soviet Deportation of Nationalities, London, 1960

Courant, Maurice, L'Asie Centrale aux XVII 'et XVIII' siecles. Empire Empire mantchou kalmouk ou? Lyon, Paris (1912 Annales de L'Iniversite de Lyon, nouvelle serie, II Droit, Lettres. - Fasc. 26)

Dallin, Alexander, German rule in Ru? Land 1941-1945. A study about occupation policies, Dusseldorf, 1958

Faber du Faur, Maurice of, power and powerlessness. Memories of an old officer, Stuttgart, 1953

Hill Gruber, Andreas, The summer campaign to Stalingrad and the Caucasus, in: War Diary of the High Command of the Armed Forces (Wehrmachtfuhrungsstab). Volume 2: 1 January 1942 - December 31, 1942, Frankfurt aM 1963, p. 50-72

Hitler's instructions for the Kriegfuhrung 1939-1945. Documents of the High Command of the Armed Forces, ed. Walther Hubatsch, Frankfurt aM, 1962

Kopelev, Lew, a rehabilitation of Stalin is possible? In: Alexander Nekritsch, Pyotr Grigorenko, neck training?. The Red Army on 22 June 1941, ed. and intro. Georges Haupt, Vienna, Frankfurt, Zurich, 1969, p. 297-304

Löwental, Rudolf, The fate of the Kalmucks, in: Journal of geopolitics, 24 Jg, 1953, p. 398-403

Meissner, Boris, Russia under Khrushchev, Munchen, 1960

Mende, Gerhard von, The Kalmucks, in: Journal of geopolitics, 22 Jg, 1951, H. 7, p. 444-445

Militargeographische information about the European Law of Russia. Caucasus (Rostov region and with Kalmuckien ASSR), concluded on 17 August 1942, ed. by the General Staff of the Army, Department for War Maps and Surveying (Mil.-IV Geo.), 2 Output (Only for internal use), Berlin 1942

Mills, Patrik-for, between the swastika and the Soviet star. The nationalism of the Soviet Orient Volker in World War II, Dusseldorf, 1971

Poppe, Nicholas, prior Kalmuckenforschung, in: Wiener magazine edited for the customer of the East. Wilhelm Czernak Others, Vol 52, Vienna, 1953/55, p. 346-379

N. Poppe, The Buddhists, in: Genocide in the USSR. Studies in Group Destruction, New York, New York 1958, p. 181-192

N. Poppe, The Kalmucks under Soviet power, in: Soviet Studies, ed. the Institute for the Study of the USSR Munchen, No. 13, December 1962, p. 36-55

Позднеев, VA Kalmyk, FA Brockhaus and IA Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary, vol 14, St. Petersburg, 1895, pp. 57-64

SHATOV MV Bibliography liberation movement in Russia в годы Второй Мировой Войны, New York, 1961

Spuler, Bertold, The Golden Horde. The Mongols in Ru? Land 1223-1502, Wiesbaden, 1965

Strik-Strikfeldt, Wilfried, against Stalin and Hitler. General Vlasov and the Russian liberation movement, Mainz, 1970

Volkmann, Hans-Erich, The Vlasov company between ideology and pragmatism, in: Military History Communications, 2 / 1972, p. 117-155

From That Damn Stomach Flu

590. AG DOSTOYEVSKY June 23 (5 July) 1875. Ems / Fyodor Dostoevsky

Ems 5 iyulya/23 June. Monday night.

This letter will tomorrow, Tuesday, my dear Anna, today and in the afternoon, received a telegram from you. It surprised me, and tormented. What makes you think I'm sick? So, you just stopped receiving my letters, that is missing one letter. But what do because of this worry? Believe me, precious friend of mine, that with me nothing can happen. The last letter I sent to you yesterday, Sunday. Before posted on Thursday (ie penultimate), and then, before Thursday, sent There was a letter on Monday. That is exactly 8 days ago. Thus, the three letters in 8 days. I write constantly and accurately in every three days for the letter. I told you now same telegram, which went in the 2-o'clock. Now there the ninth hour, and it should already get, but I still terribly worried. First, the telegram was on your German and came all distorted. Staraya Russa called Skraja Russe, my name and not a trace remained. Reached only because it was marked Haus "Luzern" № 10. So way perevrut (Berlin), and my telegram, and that if not come to Russa, or send it in Ruza? And if you do not reach you a telegram, and I dreamed all now that on Friday or Saturday you suddenly opened my door and vbezhish here to see me in the Hôtel "Luzern". You would not believe, Anne, as painful! As can be treated in such an arrangement spirit. Just now I'm half dead, having received your telegram, and fell into a chair. I wrote in a telegram: Ich bin ganz gesund, and now curse myself why wrote ganz: nothing stands in Berlin perekoverkat in ganz nicht gesund. Judging by how distorted your telegram, anything is possible. Now the whole week will be in terrible anxiety.

I am today at 4:00 was a doctor, after a whole weeks of absence and asked him to, because of expiring after three days of 4 weeks of my treatment in detail, and seriously examine me. He examined me for a long, detailed and seriously, and found that the chest is in excellent condition, all healed. But there was hoarseness and difficulty breathing, he said that it could go by itself and that if I want, then on Thursday (exactly after 4 weeks of treatment) can leave. Rinse the same throat kesselbrunnenom though, and made this last week of the big successes, but his throat is still irritated, so that if another week, starting today, to undergo treatment, then there would be nothing wrong. " And decided. So exactly a week since with today, I'll still be treated. Iyulya/23 today 5 June, and next Monday will be 11 iyulya/30 June, and here in this next Monday (that is our style on June 30) - Exactly one week and I'll leave here. So, you have more here to see me do not write, and write to me now to give this letter to St. Petersburg, poste restante. In this letter, write: hire Do I have an apartment in St. Petersburg, despite an earlier date, or not to hire and how much time to sit hiring and so forth.? On this urgent and for the last again I ask you.

You know that since yesterday the letter, which I suppose you have already received to this letter with me nothing new could happen except Is that what my novel was not moving and not written. Waiting for the rest, when will be. And here before makes me sick, before the sick to live, that I will long remember this hell month.

Do not forget to drop me anything in writing about the children. If I leave 11-go/30, it means that on a Friday or even Thursday could be in St. Petersburg. And if I do not sit in St. Petersburg for a long time, then on Monday, July 7, could already be in Staraya Russa. It means exactly two weeks later.

Goodbye, for Christ's sake, be calm; remained so little good-bye. I hug and kiss you and I will dream of you all. I bless babies, bows. (We emphasize that there should not have to buy in St. Petersburg) Tell baby, it will soon come.

Your entire eternal and unchanging Dostoevsky.

Just what happens to you (not God forbid) in a certain respect, then immediately a telegram me here, to June 30, our style I'm here. With thy nervousness, (1) probably will happen. Oh, Anne, how difficult the separation at a time!

(1) it was further: all

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Funeral Words For Flowers

continue to pursue our transfer

So and so.
Even during the absence I changed residence. Now we live here

Half framed with the claim by some elegance:

other half - with the Soviet spirit, but today it is almost vintage, and I'm awfully like:

My little "pride" -

Another "pride" - my clover, he suddenly decided to grow into a flower pot of a competitor, when spiked to a new land. For interest transplanted separately - see how much stretch.

true hero of the day settlement was, as usual, cleaning unit:

This happened distance acquaintance with the neighbors adjacent floors and floors with neighbors adjacent to the adjacent floors.
Let us examine again more carefully:

main source of inspiration - the home front: ,
and, of course, this woman, whose eyes lit working enthusiastically - A true example to follow:)

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pimples Inside The Nose

Chapter Six. Three heroes / Yuri Koval

On the porch stood the captain Boldyrev.

And the house was empty.

That is, of course, there was a stove, was a table, chair, closet, bedside. On the table was a frying pan, which were the remnants of fried meat, and on the wall hung a small picture "Three heroes."

All of this was. There was no only human. That shot. Disappeared.

When the captain broke a window and shouted: "Hands up!", The house was already empty.

Boldyrev bypassed the whole house inaudible militia step, looked into the closet and under the bed.

Vasya came after him, every minute expecting a bullet in the forehead. But the bullets were not, and the man who had just fired, was not.

- Out, - Boldyrev said. - And how is gone? Windows are closed. Wait! What does it over the stove?

over the stove, directly in the ceiling, he could see the hatch, who was obviously up to the attic.

was set by the stove ladder Boldyrev reached for the hatch.

- Hey! - He shouted. - Get out!

Nobody answered, and then slowly climbed up Boldyrev. That left him in the hatch head, now only boots captain's stick to the ceiling. Vasya left alone in the room.

Wham-wham! ... - Something hard to rumble over his head. Boldyrev went to the attic, and muffled his footsteps echoed in the ceiling. But here they are quiet.

Basil was quite unpleasant.

«Kurochkin Damn! - He thought. - In what story I vtravil! A little shot in the forehead is not shlopotal and now I'm not known where. Facebook look, now anyone with a knife ahnet. Come out of the cellar of some shaggy! Boldyrev in the attic I suppose is good. What is he sitting there? Get down to! And now will someone. "

very quietly gone, and the room was not even a clock, wall clock, To revive the silence.

Vasya sat on the edge of the chair and anxiously began to examine the painting "Three heroes."

stared with a picture of Ilya of Murom, putting palm visor over his eyes.

«What are you doing in a strange house, Vasya? - Asked like Ilya. - What got you into this story? »

« Stupid, Vasya, stupid "- said though, and Dobrynya indifferently glancing out the window, where the apple trees and beehives were visible between them.

Alyosha Popovich looked sad. Single of the trio, it seems Vasya sorry.

Squeak-squeak ... - squeaked something on the street. It sang a step, and Vasey cooled heart.

On the porch he heard footsteps.

Cambers B Series Stove

Chapter 74 / Andrei Ilyin

Генералу Федорову доложили результаты passport search. Single, from forty to sixty, not Georgians.

«But how many of us, it turns out! - Surprised the general. - A woman complained that suitors lack. And if we add on the Georgians ... »

- Request information to district police stations on the availability of residence of these citizens. And note the missing for unknown reason. What is there to search for?

- All aspects printed and mailed.

- Result?

- local offices Police detained dozens of signs suitable for citizens. After the passport check, they were released.

- did not match?

- None. Most of the family, almost without a break all lived in the place of residence. Which was confirmed by neighbors and acquaintances. In two cases under investigation.

- Hold at the checkout.

- There is a hold on the control!

deployed throughout the country search gave no results. In addition to the capture of three similar to the portraits on the orientation fugitives. This in contrast to Gorbushkin Peter Maksimovic.

probably right was a very large Military chief: catch a small fish in the vast Ocean - hopeless. And stupid. Need to know which bank it is to come. And there alert network.

should be sought, not splayed on the whole country with his hands. Need to look for head ...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Adventure Of The Seas

EVOLUTION CONTINUES / Felix Davidovich Krivine

wonder how much of our time would be needed monkeys e years to become a man. A hundred years? A thousand years? Three thousand years?

Not at all! Her would simply appoint a person. Let's say someone in her people are, some acquaintance or distant relative, he would be someone there talks, whether it is possible, they say, do without evolution, very much worthy of a monkey and her family circumstances, she can not, well, can not wait for evolution ... And there would be possibilities: someone be moved, someone dropped, and a monkey in people - bang! And on the doors of the cabinet would have written: 'Man "- although there behind the door, sat the ape.

And no one would no doubt that this man. Well, think of it, a little overgrown, so much to do, once it was shaved. And that does not reflect, too, can understand: the work of responsible, large scale, it's all covered - not enough any ideas.

And the ape sat in his office until retirement, and even received would be grateful if b boss did not mind. And she would not have objected. Mind those who have articulate speech, and these inarticulate, and even in the cozy room, at a decent contentment - these are always to agree, if it is, of course, does not concern them personally. Come a monkey in person at the tail, it is still a yell, zaprotestuet, although in general, in principle, against the attack on their tails, it does not object. While it's own tail is not concerned.

I can certainly argue that it evolutionary path is not that such a nature can be. In the nature - of course. Because the nature develops according to its laws. And if you get around the laws, as we do? How many of us monkeys in humans have produced! Oh yes, just like the old, primitive times, let them stick in your hand!

We still produce them, have not you noticed? Manufacture, produce! Humanizes monkeys. The evolution continues!

C0000005 Boot Camp Error

mushroomers / NN Fedotov

I came once to visit his own brother in a small town on the Volga. I then worked in criminal investigation, and my brother - in the FSB.

One morning we met with him in the woods for mushrooms. Mushroom pickers, of course, we both no - but there's an important fact.

So, let's go. Ponabrali any junk, grebes some (I'm told that we had in the mushrooms - like a sheep in the bible), and have already begun to be sent home. Suddenly, in the woods we were stopped by three burly guys. We have a brother rather puny physique, and only in comparison to these Russian giants ...

us, these men stopped and asked, say, a lot of mushrooms collected? See also that we have a bucket full. And they continue:

- So, your mushrooms leave here and make yourself your feet!

I was stunned. Compete with them was almost impossible. Probably will be without the mushrooms ...

However, while in my head spinning such thoughts, the situation has saved my brother. He drew from his pocket some red "crust," grabbed was lying next to a snag, and began waving it like a gun, and yell:

- Cid! All - on the ground!

peasants already were stunned by this. And while they were in a stupor, we were able to pick up their buckets with mushrooms and, indeed, make the legs.

I Want To Know The Real Estate Value Of My Land

CHAPTER 11. To take off! / Boris Stern

time - it is not hours and minutes, and the length of the spirit.

Bl. Augustine

restore power selector, and there was an excited voice Nurazbekova:

- LYUSKA! Spotted! Flies! .. Back! He! All precisely: B-29! Now go to the landing! Come on, lift the Commander, we too must go!

LYUSKA licked his lips and began lifting work at first, but on the other hand, the French technology. All of her female essence she knew that this powerful but dysfunctional mechanism should raise at крейсерскую высоту со всеми предосторожностями и французскими умениями — а тут мешают, козлы, со своими психологическими кунштюками. Она сама знает, чувствует, what to do! This hydrant, the running Bakhchisarai fountain will work at full power - and these goats, plumber, nothing in this business do not understand and climb to the ancient fountain with its Freudian adjustable wrench. They do not care - tyap-boo-boo. It needs a mechanic at the Principal level. LYUSKA really is. Here one must feel, to go bust every detail, all lick, pat, to restore, to bring to life. Whew! And the fountain will be operational! Then this way, then that's commercials! Lie down quietly! He himself raised. First, shake, will be filled, then straightened up, rise up, get up to his full height, swell and blows white mucus in the ceiling of Sebastopol house - an exact technology first and foremost! - To not rush, - it should hold, mute - so you can gouging ceiling and roof collapses - it is necessary for him to sit down - but it is important safety information: such as the steam hammer will gouge, the sparks from the front end, that is, the apron, dusting.

{} Author, forced reality 5MGG KGB-666 to describe this sex scene, hoping to understand the skilled reader - the author consciously avoids exercise in pornography and carefully away, crawls into the bushes on the image of naturalistic details of any ordinary sexual intercourse. But the act was outstanding. How to describe this divine act, which finally led Sasha Gaydamak in the state of man, realizing in which reality is it? ... Yeah somehow describe. Have to describe in words. }

Gaydamak all rose up and reared. Up to the ceiling. LYUSKA screamed in delight:

- Turn the selector! The commander's worth it! He remembers everything! No! Error! Stop it! Turn off the selector! Whoa, Commander!

LYUSKA embraced this barrel - well what else to call, that she embraced? - And climbed up on it like a monkey up to the ceiling. Then he descended, kissed Bldg. Village. Clung. Cried. Climbed again, sat na very top of the tree trunk and began to shake as bite cupid beautiful redhead African monkey swings trunk in a tropical forest in Ethiopia under the Christmas of the new moon. I worked Lyuska flair animal females. He will go! Africa! Come on Africa! Come on!

- Yes, AVAYA, Team-ir! Come on Come on, ah! - She screamed and cried.

Here such here pornography.

But further. Jokes aside. At that time felt Gaydamak?

In some is "time"? In this time-and space it previously impotent phallus is now finally was able to battle, the horse was furious, reared and kept - He held the reins of Sevastopol and the girl screamed:

- Come on, Commander! Come on, Commander! Introducing, Commander! Bodi, Commander! Who are you - The commander of horseradish or walrus?

And it was understandable: Sevastopol, Africa, naked form parameters Madrid - but in his mind sounded and gave him the voice of Major Nurazbekova:

«Walk-town does not exist, Commander. No such city. "

- Hehe ... Do not tell me, good people - laughing Gaydamak, enjoying Lyuska, hopping on his tree.

«I'll just say: no such city. Yes, we're good people, just do not got there. I'm a Major, as he and the general road as you head of the department. Awake, wake up! All who knew how he could have flown away. We, too, it's time. Otherwise this country will be infinitely twist Kandinsky syndrome. Country hallucinates. Now everything depends on you. Stop vyebyvatsya! »{Sic!}

- Do not bother me, kid! Found the time! - Screamed LYUSKA, pulling on the barrel.

- Nothing Lyus, everything is fine - calmed Gaydamak. - Come on, sit down.

A Perpetual investigator continued: "Where is he now, your Walk-grad?»

- On the Gulf - with difficulty answered Gaydamak, because LYUSKA dress the tree of life parameters such numbers that he had never dreamed of.

«or the Ukraine?" - Or the Ukraine.

the side again looked out of his head some Vova Stole oil. Now she was not afraid of Gaydamak.

«Well?" - Asked impatiently Nurazbekov.

«Sel!" - Vova reported.

«Hear Commander! B-29 landed from the moon na regolitnuyu your band! Now it's time! »

- Fuck you ... - LYUSKA said wearily, dropping his hands. - Well, do not give! Not will normally communicate with such a peasant! - Wept LYUSKA and shouted: - I am sitting here with cancer, side, chest to overshadow you, then the ceiling can fail, and you are there chat! He needs to get some sleep! All leaves of absence for one hour! I've been chief psychologist! I've been the team! All recover, eat, walk in Odessa and back. Availability - zero. The moon will rise soon! Fast! ..

Gaydamak remembered everything.

His heroic Bakhchisarai fountain spat hit supertsementny ceiling.

ceiling shook, sag and collapse.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Outdoor Wood Furnace Thermostat Blueprint

1. The imposition of the Trojan War, supposedly the XIII century BC. er. in Gothic War of the alleged VI century BC. er. Shear

Trojan War XIII century BC. er. was one of the biggest events in European history and Asia. It was reflected in many written sources created by different chroniclers in different countries, different languages. Then came the era of sequencing history, and chronology engaged in sorting fallen into their hands of old documents. Medieval chronological XVI-XVII centuries by. er. made several blunders when recreating the history of antiquity. As a result, many original documents "left in the past" and creating a phantom reflection of medieval reality. In other words, many of the events XI-XVII centuries by. er. hoof, tripled, quadrupled, etc. In this case, the original usually remains "in place", and its duplicates phantom reflections were sent to a forced journey into the past. Travel took place not only in time but in space, that is, geographical map. Events in Rome could turn into "events in Greece, and vice versa. Errors in dating led to a chronological shift, discovered by Fomenko. The main ones are:

1) Roman-Byzantine shift by 330-360 years,

2) Roman shift by 1053 or 1153,

3) the Greek Bible translation by 1780-1800 years. Magnitude of shifts shown here is only approximate, since slightly vary from document to document.

offered us the names of shifts are explained very simply:

1) Roman-Byzantine SHIFT pushed back into the past and extended, basically, the history of Rome - Byzantium,

2) ROME SHIFT "udrevnil and extended, mostly history Roman Empire,

3) Greek-Biblical SHIFT pushed back into the past and extended, basically, the history of Greece and the biblical story.

Thus, the real medieval war of the XIII century BC. er. multiplied into many copies, some of which were then thrown far back in time and got there new names. One of the phantom duplicates, ensnared in the XIII century BC. er., called "Trojan War. Another copy, appeared in the VI century AD. er. got the name "Gothic War." And so on.

But as the "antique" Trojan, and Gothic wars are just a phantom reflections SAME REAL MEDIEVAL WARS XIII century BC. er., they BE alike. And it really is true. Due to the exclusive importance attached to history Scaliger two mentioned wars of "antiquity", it is useful to discuss the correspondence we observed in more detail. Now we will do it.

of the Trojan War The reader knows from childhood. Blind poet Homer described it in two immortal poems of the Iliad and the Odyssey. He enthusiastically sings of gods and heroes, faced in the Trojan battle. Pallas Athena, Achilles, Agamemnon, the passionate love of Helen and Paris (the reason for the war), the legendary Trojan horse, the fall of Troy, the smoke of fires, escape the Trojans and Aeneas, king, long wanderings of Odysseus. Fig. 1 shows an old picture of Troy. "Antique" town houses are built of brick. But the brick - and the more of the same shape - medieval invention. Fig. Figure 2 shows an old miniature from the book "History of Troy." Sculptor carves a figure on the tomb of a medieval knight Lats, see Fig. 3.

Fig. 1. Thumbnail View of the city of Troy from the book Diktisa Crete «De bello Troiano», supposedly the XIV century. "Antique" buildings are made of brick, with the same form. But the brick - a medieval invention. Taken from [1229], pp. 20

Gothic war less popular. Not all readers are generally heard of it. And in general history Middle Ages is not so popular and fashionable as "antiquity". At the same time among historians, concerned the Middle Ages, Gothic War is well known as crucial turning point in the history of the Roman Empire [196], v. 1. According to Scaliger version, Gothic War puts the last point in the development of imperial Rome. Then, supposedly, the following happens. Fall of the Roman Empire, barbarian invasion, making a brilliant imperial Rome in a gloomy medieval papal Rome, the beginning of the "dark ages" in Europe.

Fig. 2. "Sculptor, cutting out gravestone. Fragment of miniatures by Jean Colombe in the History of Troy. " After 1490, "[643:2]. with. 155, illus. 7

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dry Cm Before Periods

Fight Club

Quote: "I lost hope and found freedom." Thought-provoking ...

Leather Leggins Misstress

CSD 2010 Hamburg

It was funny, muscle ache and promote high percentage. Because I am think of nothing better, I will stay with this brief comment, and let the images speak for just myself. And devote in the meantime I continue to Ausnüchterungsprozess ...