Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Are Berlinwood Good Fingerboards?

7.4.3. Independence and organizational structure / Vladimir Ryabikin

Организация должна следить за корректностью интерпретации и выполнения ключевых практик, реализующих концепцию независимости. Это имеет особенно большое value for small projects and organizations. If the technical or organizational biases may affect the quality of the product or project risks, key practices recommend the use of the concept of independence. Two examples of such practices:

Group Quality Assurance (SQA) has a channel reporting to senior management that is independent from the project manager of software development and other groups associated with the development (commitment 1.2 of section "Quality Software").

System and acceptance test scripts and procedures are planned and prepared by a team of testing that is independent from software development (action 7.3 of the section "Engineering software development).

need for independent system and acceptance testing due to technical factors. This independence ensures that employees of testing not be subject to the decisions taken by developers or by support software for its design and implementation.

Independence of quality dictated by the fact that the graph and the project budget should not affect the work of the members of this group. Lack of institutional independence can greatly complicate the provision of effective operational independence. For example, an employee who is accountable to the project manager may be forced to interrupt testing despite the existence of serious Problems with the compatibility of the product.

Organizations should define an organizational structure that would support the independence of operations similar quality in the context of their strategic business goals and business environment.

Independence should:

provide team members ensure the quality of organizational freedom, allowing them to be « eyes and ears" of senior management of the project;

exclude the imposition of measures staff of quality assurance from the leadership of the project, which they submit a report;

provide confidence of senior management the objectivity of the reports received by the manufacturing process and products of the project.

Since the key practices lend themselves to different interpretations of the criteria independence, the organization must obtain a professional assessment of their compliance with the objectives of key processes.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Can Dog Gets Zits On Their Privates?

third letter / Felix Davidovich Krivine

Butyrskaya prison, August 19, 1776.

Your Imperial Highness!

perestukivalis We are here with friends, and they told me the terrible thing: supposedly going to destroy the Bastille.

I have no doubt that this idea of your spouse from whom you got off with such a barbaric way. He's still in Russia said that the entire world of violence, he razed to the ground, and then ... What is he going to do next? My memory here Butyrki became absolutely nowhere, and yet I'm only a little over eighty.

So what am I doing? All of your imaginary wife. He promised to destroy the world of violence, and the Bastille - a tool violence, as it is sad to admit. Hence, the first thing to do in Paris, Emil I. - is to destroy the Bastille.

I am very worried. If the Bastille destroy, where do we writers, we sit? And writers have somewhere to sit, so they have a sedentary job. Are we all waiting for Butyrskaya, Madame?

No Your lzhemuzha it was impossible to produce in Paris. He did not stop before to start the stolen loot, and in fact stolen - it's all our wealth. I'm not defending the state, but its ruins scarier than itself, excuse the misplaced philosophy.

If this happens, the whole civilized world must know: The French Revolution exported from Russia. And Russia eventually will regret this, because France eventually exporting the revolution back.

must retain the Bastille! It is necessary to keep the violence in a civilized form!

And for this I ask: I return to France! Redeem me Pugacheva or Ivan Bolotnikov, so I can live peacefully in his Bastille and contribute to its preservation for the benefit of the free French nation.

Your obedient zek № 0081/0034 (last name forgotten).

PS And your husband, Emil-Yan can be exchanged at the event at Washington, America's not France, and especially not Russia, America, get out.

How Much Does A Plate Cost In Ontario

Hue / Simon Karmiggelt

When I was a kid, we lived in The Hague in a spacious old house. Later, recalling this house, his mother said he "took away a lot of time." But she was cleaning it by no means alone. In addition to ongoing workers who lived in the house, she had another that comes to the dirty work. This unusually thick woman named Greta. Her husband, Kees had for these days rare specialty: he was an assistant at the plumber. I was terribly surprised that such a fat woman, like Greta, can be married. Life has not yet revealed to me that many men find in this its charm. I myself am delighted when a school teacher, but they were thin as a rake.

Saturday afternoon Кеес всегда заходил за своей Гретой. Если она к тому времени не успевала домыть коридор, он терпеливо ждал на кухне и в своем темно-синем шерстяном костюме с vest and solid hat did not look like a plumber's apprentice.

In those years, even people with limited means had to work outside the dressing and let the surrounding hype: do we have a family full of wealth - except their own as brothers will record them in a stroller. Only a wealthy eccentric could walk around almost in tatters, because the money placed them above all accepted norms.

When I am on a Saturday afternoon went to the kitchen, Kees always very kindly greeted me.

He had a wholesome face, blond mustache and a merry blue eyes. I did not understand why such a nice young the guy married to Greta. Because of the completeness of it seemed terribly old.

- you, come again play football? - Kees told me. - One can see, an avid soccer player. I suppose the central striker.

in enthusiasm with which he talked about my alleged success on the football field, was attended by some kind of shade. It was excessive, and at the same time not. But because I wanted to be the way he represented me, I replied:

- Yes, Kees. - And walked on the kitchen, trying to look athletic and stronger than he really was.

my school was not far from our house. When I passed there yesterday, I saw that Finally the building was demolished, freeing up space for new hospital buildings. Looking at the wasteland, I remembered a distant day. Why I fell out with then Barend, I do not remember. I only remember that to quarrel with him was stupid, because he was a desperate fighter, and always walked, surrounded by friends.

So it happened that day. Pals derisively giggling, and Barend for no reason at all gave me a nose. I licked the blood, and his fists clenched, waiting for the next blow to the belief that it can not be avoided. In a fight I have little worth. Barend really punched me again, now in the eye, but then God himself intervened.

next to me suddenly rose Kees, this time in working overalls. On his belt hung a bag in which he took to work for breakfast, and a blue enamel flask. Of these workers were drinking iced tea.

- Come along with me - he said, around my shoulder and I went, barely holding back tears. The boys behind me hoot. Kees handed me his handkerchief and said: - Wipe nose.

I obediently complied and the order. Fortunately, the handkerchief he had a red.

home I did not talk about his infamous defeat and the fear of waiting for Saturday. After all, Kees after all seen my retreat and heard screams of boys. He, of course, deeply disappointed in me. But on Saturday, when I entered the kitchen, he, as usual, cordially shook hands with me. My mother was standing at the cooktop, and Kees said to her:

- He is well able to fight mefrau. I accidentally saw this week, as he fought with four healthy guys. Good for you boy!

And again his voice was heard a strange hue. I was too young to grasp its meaning.

Only much later that I realized - it was ironic.