Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How To Suck The Nipples For Husbands

the Archdemon is slain! ~ (Again) is the exciting

I do not wish to talk about it, but it OCCURS tu me, that I might actually speak like some of the fellow heroes. While writing, there is this tiny voice in my head saying the things I'm about to write. Nevermind, yes? I just need to calm myself quickly. Not so hard if you're about to watch a movie.
So, to come to the point. The second run went well. It was fun playing Lilu, althought it wasn't as thrilling as with Emma. I suppose that's the magic of the first time playing a new game. Without even noticing it your personality binds to the character and is experiencing the adventure more intense. The next time you play it it's just another character. It's not the same.
Slowly Zevran is leaving my head. Which means that he doesn't talk to me anymore. So I'm free. No... not good. I just don't know what to say now. I need help! Quickly!
Why am I writing english at all? I'm not sure myself. Tis the magic of speech. The language stays the same while the words you choose and your accent change. It determines the way you will see someone and be seen by others. It has a big influence on us all and depends on your experiences in the past. Bah! I need to focus.
Maybe i shouldn't watch the film at all. It would be nice to get a nice nap once in a while. But what about my priorities?
I think it's about time to clean my room. It got quite shady in the last weeks.
Tomorrow sounds fine. After work. Fine.
The third run will have to wait. At least the after-game-trauma's gone. No bad dreams at all...
Wait! I experienced a terrible nightmare today! I really got scared, which happens not so often. The dream started somewhere i cannot recall. I was traveling with some companions; I suppose characters from Dragon Age (seems like my mind was trying to get along with all this playing in the last few days). So, at some point I was alone on a field; somewhere in the pampa. The scenery remembered me of one of this forgotten cities with mad, religious fanatic people in it. So I walk through this field, but cannot go further. I had to guard something, I'm not sure about it. And then I see this strange man coming closer as he sees that I am alone. Smirking like a madman. And as he came closer and closer I got really scared, because I knew that he wanted to rape me! Not that I let this happen.
I tried to run from him but i was somewhat slowly moving forward. To be exact a was going backwards, because I don't wanted to be backstabbed by some crazy freak.
And as I escaped I got into some crazy Bandit hideout with many crazy and dangerous people in it. And there was also a guard, a good man who was kept held by these people. In the past he was the only survivor of some kind of ambush. And there was much regret in his heart because he coudn't help his friends on that day. So these bandits didn't kill him but made him stay at their place so they could mock him all the time. He was seriously injured when I saw him the first time. But this wasn't as scary as the sad look in his eyes. These eyes were the worst part of this nightmare. I'm incapable to bear so much despair, regret, pain and loneliness. I woudn't give a good hero.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Store To Get Fake Contacts

Uiiiii geheeen during working hours to secretly online

Zeit. Faszinierendes Ding. Ich glaub ich hab in den letzten Wochen mein Gefühl dafür verloren. Life just moves along. On the one hand, it has not come to the feeling on the spot and stand in the same place. And suddenly you realize how much has actually happened. And that is for various reasons just did not do his routine to pursue to some extent self-created duties.
I was from Sunday to Wednesday at Rouven in Kassel. Although it was initially not planned, it worked this adventure to organize short-term. And of course it has paid off. Although we had not seen already quite a while, you do not feel this separation in the reunion. It was almost as if we just there on with it where we left off. No goodbye tears, no unpleasant strangeness. It was just beautiful.
Rouven wanted to prove during this period by all means, but what is a beautiful city of Kassel. He told me nothing but stories about the city, its history, showed various places. We were even in one of the museums where I could marvel at ancient statues and paintings by Rembrandt, Rubens and other painters. I also liked it! I'll show may not always be so open, but I'm interested in art and everything. You never stop learning. And I think that we have seen some things already have. At least if you have the chance.
course, we have seen not only art and allow us to cultivate. On Monday, we both shop at City Point. All day long (so the 5-6 hours) I am without question Rouven be put in different outfits. I even have some photos of the strangest creations. Thus we have found, for example, that I know the kitschy Peggy Bundy style would be funny enough. Which does not mean that I will use these strengths.
The end result was that I bought a skirt, in which my butt, according Rouven like the looks of J Lo. A gray pencil skirt. Schick. Can I use because I normally never wear skirts. And until I moved out, I want to collect some clothes I have.
And on Tuesday we went to the cinema and have seen two movies in a row. Only the desert flower, then orphan - orphan child. Thereafter, our nerves were just blank. No wonder.
The return trip to Kassel and ran back the way pretty easily. I was nervous and had no reason concerns. Well, it was finally my first train trip alone. Not that I would have not previously thought possible. But otherwise took the chance always people who wanted to go in the same direction as me.
I've also noticed that I'm still a sucker for RPG's. And this time I've picked me one with over 100 hours of gameplay. Dragon Age Origins is great. I can only recommend it. But not for people who have problems to continue the game to return to the actual reality. The game is one of the reasons why I am not in the last few days really come online. I will get through it first. But it just takes. And I have no idea when it will be over. Today after work I will again sit down and keep playing. My brother is due to my limited way, because I have a game console is constantly stressful for me. But fortunately it looks like to me in how I kill monsters, secrets detection or love stories to emerge. Hach how nice.
And I still can say one thing: it's a completely different feeling when you live with the idea of speedy student to be. If you go to a university and meet students. When one is faced with a challenge and realize that you could have the opportunities to achieve desired goal. I still have difficulties with my bitch. But the chance it has in the meantime encourage you once again to act given. I still have time.

Memo to me: do not forget to delete the text file from the desktop again.
Otherwise: one of your colleagues will be able to read this post. Not necessarily advantageous.

specifically for Nami: Karos Who's Who
Coco aka Azriel: long-time friend who currently lives in Würzburg and as a training Bä ; ckerin
Lej makes Bulmas alias: long-time friend who has lived longer in Würzburg, and currently makes her Fachhochschulreife
Rouven: former classmates from the VLG (Vincent Lübeck Gymnasium), and we get along very well. Small gossip aunt but a very good, helpful friend.
Inger: former classmate ausm VLG, DBZ and manga fan in general, have seen many a crazy adventure (have rotated among other things, a joint invitation video for our jointly celebrated birthday and some other videos), lives currently in the Sauerland and is training as an optician
Hanna: former classmate ausm VLG, has a tendency to the dark, Vampirfan writes, happy, has a story called "Luc", currently making a six-month internship at a small magazine publisher
Elsa former Mitschü lerin ausm VLG, rather, the mathematician and biologist, is studying in Hamburg
Nati: Rouven best friend (the second is Hannah), a crazy girl, a good friend, write on with it together for about 2 years a Book (fears)
Daria: former best friend from Poland, I was recently unexpectedly by email written, see if the contact has
Micha and Seba:
my brothers
Snoopy and Yumi: my cats
more descriptions on request!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Grecian Formula Chest Hair

in matching outfits ~

It is amazing. What? No idea!
Since there is an effort trying to find a job, accepted a one-euro job, does his best. And then people think you are a criminal worker who was forced to work here. Is to put it to? At least, went the good grandfather, who arrived today on a visit from them. Do I look about, like a felon?
belongings today include old typewriters may dust. Wonderful pieces. I'm sure me over an hour with the things busy because I was just great. Most of all I would have one or the other simply copy tucked under his arm, and would thus gelatscht home. I'm holding a weakness for old, sturdy typewriters. Perhaps my grandfather was indeed the reason for a criminal. Because he saw the dangerous glint in my eyes.
Otherwise I was able to paste flyers. Wonderful monotonous work.
I've decided to work as a personal communication challenge to see. It's almost amazing the different types of people and speaking to analyze. It all goes to the process of elimination. The topics that can be used for communication are left, and we engaged in conversation. Each person specializes but to a very specific area of expertise. Some talk about their family, others just complain. Others still talk about technology and love to teach their fellow human beings. And then there are the gnats who feel just the constant urge to speak out about their environment. When would be a minute silence his own death.
Today he called Rouven
evening. Perhaps this will indeed still do with the meeting in Kassel, Germany. At least then I could attend this event on 11-th. And a little distance would do well sure. To return to think clearly can.

Memo to me: Place the next time any board on your bed as if you beachsichtigst shortly to rush with full force on the mattress and this entlangzuschlittern. Your knees will be grateful to you.

Song Tip of the Day:
30 Seconds to Mars - This is War
A matching game therefore I should also serving: = player_embedded

Monday, November 2, 2009

Motorhome Carpet Installation

Another piece of Experience ~

hotel, restaurant, small store, food aid, household, shelter, tent hire ... now even office assistant in a museum. Actually, I always thought I had too little work experience. But now it has already accumulated a lot. Even if all this is not directly to do with my future vision, it has yet I can in some ways mature. The only negative is the recurring realization of social incompetence. It calls are not all that difficult!
I now work 5 days a week ie every 6 hours and thereby earn about 1.30 € per hour. But at least the working atmosphere is pleasant!
Have I missed quite
. The application forms can I download only from the 15 th. Must consider whether I on 11 th but not go down to Kassel to attend this session event. At least it would be wrong not to learn to make what I would have to be accepted to a university.

The nerve fibers are still left. Itching to hinder the freedom of movement and are generally tough to endure. Miserable foreign body. Tomorrow they pull you out again! That's right! Morning after working here for the Doc, who will make out the threads. Let's hope that I will "F" and "W" can express easily. A speech impediment would be the last thing I could use right now.

Memo to me:
Eat more beaver!
For the non-interpretive: not panic. Who the Hamptons does not know can not understand it!

Series Tip of the Day: Odwróceni