Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are Gold Pokemon Stronger

Types of massage / Valeria Vladimirovna Ivlev

Massage - is part of the manipulation, the system of special mechanical impacts on the surface of the human body for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Massage enhances performance, improves overall tone the body and restores the damaged functions. This influence, or techniques - kneading, tapping your hands or a special apparatus.

There is an incredible number of types of massage. The most common - it's hygienic, medical, sports, segmental-reflex, cosmetic, point, the hardware massage and, finally, self-massage.

There are also more sophisticated techniques based on the reflex zones and points. For example, in the foot there are points impact on that stimulate the work of virtually all organs and body systems.

technique reflex effects on the feet - is a simple and quite effective against many diseases, and simply as a method of maintaining good health. Oriental medicine provides a whole treatment system by mechanical action on the active points of the feet. Stimulation of each point leads to effects on the organ or system with which this point is connected. Since for a detailed study of all the nuances and subtleties of this technique specialists spend years to diletantok like us you can offer two options. The first is to consult a specialist in this field. They say that good people can work wonders. But do not forget that when we resort to the Eastern methods of treatment and recovery, together with the methods we have to learn the philosophical system, and connect a mechanical or pharmacological effects of meditation techniques and anger management.

You can choose simpler. Easy to use insoles for shoes with applicators or special pads that massage the foot, we reach the part of some similarity of the reflex massage. The stimulatory effect of such procedures say all who used them. Or, coming home, sitting in front of TV, you can try to roll an object (a bottle, rolling pin, a special machine that can be purchased at specialty store). Undoubtedly, such an exercise fatigue and pain in the legs, gives vivacity.

Generally, the eastern system healing deserve special attention and the format of this book is to present them small. In terms of massage, there are many systems, each in its own way good. There is a massage only with hands and with the help of aids. Acupuncture - generally a huge area, varieties of which are vast. Acupuncture can be called in those sections of the massage. Its essence is to impact on certain points with special needles, cigar tins, needle hammers. Modern medicine makes extensive use of these ancient practices and creates a new system in which the ancient knowledge and experience combined with modern technologies and techniques of traditional medicine.

This example is acupuncture currents, modern aromatherapy, acupressure, technology tsubo and other techniques, synthesized world experience. If you ever want to supplement their knowledge these practices, first carefully study literature, and better yet, sign up for courses the person who really helped at least one of your friends. A warning against self- based on the fact that the possibility of using acupuncture as a minimum, require knowledge of the exact location of these same points. Contact with past or to another point is fraught with unpleasant consequences for health.


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