Thursday, August 12, 2010

I Want To Know The Real Estate Value Of My Land

CHAPTER 11. To take off! / Boris Stern

time - it is not hours and minutes, and the length of the spirit.

Bl. Augustine

restore power selector, and there was an excited voice Nurazbekova:

- LYUSKA! Spotted! Flies! .. Back! He! All precisely: B-29! Now go to the landing! Come on, lift the Commander, we too must go!

LYUSKA licked his lips and began lifting work at first, but on the other hand, the French technology. All of her female essence she knew that this powerful but dysfunctional mechanism should raise at крейсерскую высоту со всеми предосторожностями и французскими умениями — а тут мешают, козлы, со своими психологическими кунштюками. Она сама знает, чувствует, what to do! This hydrant, the running Bakhchisarai fountain will work at full power - and these goats, plumber, nothing in this business do not understand and climb to the ancient fountain with its Freudian adjustable wrench. They do not care - tyap-boo-boo. It needs a mechanic at the Principal level. LYUSKA really is. Here one must feel, to go bust every detail, all lick, pat, to restore, to bring to life. Whew! And the fountain will be operational! Then this way, then that's commercials! Lie down quietly! He himself raised. First, shake, will be filled, then straightened up, rise up, get up to his full height, swell and blows white mucus in the ceiling of Sebastopol house - an exact technology first and foremost! - To not rush, - it should hold, mute - so you can gouging ceiling and roof collapses - it is necessary for him to sit down - but it is important safety information: such as the steam hammer will gouge, the sparks from the front end, that is, the apron, dusting.

{} Author, forced reality 5MGG KGB-666 to describe this sex scene, hoping to understand the skilled reader - the author consciously avoids exercise in pornography and carefully away, crawls into the bushes on the image of naturalistic details of any ordinary sexual intercourse. But the act was outstanding. How to describe this divine act, which finally led Sasha Gaydamak in the state of man, realizing in which reality is it? ... Yeah somehow describe. Have to describe in words. }

Gaydamak all rose up and reared. Up to the ceiling. LYUSKA screamed in delight:

- Turn the selector! The commander's worth it! He remembers everything! No! Error! Stop it! Turn off the selector! Whoa, Commander!

LYUSKA embraced this barrel - well what else to call, that she embraced? - And climbed up on it like a monkey up to the ceiling. Then he descended, kissed Bldg. Village. Clung. Cried. Climbed again, sat na very top of the tree trunk and began to shake as bite cupid beautiful redhead African monkey swings trunk in a tropical forest in Ethiopia under the Christmas of the new moon. I worked Lyuska flair animal females. He will go! Africa! Come on Africa! Come on!

- Yes, AVAYA, Team-ir! Come on Come on, ah! - She screamed and cried.

Here such here pornography.

But further. Jokes aside. At that time felt Gaydamak?

In some is "time"? In this time-and space it previously impotent phallus is now finally was able to battle, the horse was furious, reared and kept - He held the reins of Sevastopol and the girl screamed:

- Come on, Commander! Come on, Commander! Introducing, Commander! Bodi, Commander! Who are you - The commander of horseradish or walrus?

And it was understandable: Sevastopol, Africa, naked form parameters Madrid - but in his mind sounded and gave him the voice of Major Nurazbekova:

«Walk-town does not exist, Commander. No such city. "

- Hehe ... Do not tell me, good people - laughing Gaydamak, enjoying Lyuska, hopping on his tree.

«I'll just say: no such city. Yes, we're good people, just do not got there. I'm a Major, as he and the general road as you head of the department. Awake, wake up! All who knew how he could have flown away. We, too, it's time. Otherwise this country will be infinitely twist Kandinsky syndrome. Country hallucinates. Now everything depends on you. Stop vyebyvatsya! »{Sic!}

- Do not bother me, kid! Found the time! - Screamed LYUSKA, pulling on the barrel.

- Nothing Lyus, everything is fine - calmed Gaydamak. - Come on, sit down.

A Perpetual investigator continued: "Where is he now, your Walk-grad?»

- On the Gulf - with difficulty answered Gaydamak, because LYUSKA dress the tree of life parameters such numbers that he had never dreamed of.

«or the Ukraine?" - Or the Ukraine.

the side again looked out of his head some Vova Stole oil. Now she was not afraid of Gaydamak.

«Well?" - Asked impatiently Nurazbekov.

«Sel!" - Vova reported.

«Hear Commander! B-29 landed from the moon na regolitnuyu your band! Now it's time! »

- Fuck you ... - LYUSKA said wearily, dropping his hands. - Well, do not give! Not will normally communicate with such a peasant! - Wept LYUSKA and shouted: - I am sitting here with cancer, side, chest to overshadow you, then the ceiling can fail, and you are there chat! He needs to get some sleep! All leaves of absence for one hour! I've been chief psychologist! I've been the team! All recover, eat, walk in Odessa and back. Availability - zero. The moon will rise soon! Fast! ..

Gaydamak remembered everything.

His heroic Bakhchisarai fountain spat hit supertsementny ceiling.

ceiling shook, sag and collapse.


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