Thursday, August 26, 2010

What Is A Conforming Fixed Loan

Warming loggias and balcony s / Tatiana Dimov

If the office has access to a loggia or a balcony, then the repair and equipping the office in advance to make sure that the winter season was not cold in the room. And for this purpose should be carefully warmed terrace (Loggia).

In general, all maintenance work on warming balcony consist of several stages.

First, you need to protect a balcony or loggia of precipitation. To do this will not only install and glazing frames, but close up lattice fence. If the fence on the balcony or loggia of brick or concrete, it will be enough to warm it. Best of all, based on the existing barrier arrange a multi-barrier: the outer layer is made of waterproof material such as plastic laminate, and the inside of the warmed, based on their own inquiries and opportunities (penouteplitelem, wood, fiberboard or particle board).

If the balcony railing will include wooden items, or planned interior rack, it is necessary to provide vapor barrier. This is an important element of the warming of wood, protecting tree from the ravages of condensation - moisture inevitably released from the air at the border of the two temperatures.

vapor barrier suit from the roll materials are not afraid of moisture (glassine, plastic film, etc.). It should breathe freely, that is in contact with the outside air. Then the wood design elements will be dry and will break down after many years.

Warming roof terrace of the upper deck is on the same principle, that warming of the fence. To make a private balcony or loggia part of the apartment (in particular, the cabinet) should be removed from the opening portion of the wall and the balcony door and move radiator in the office or other place under the window of a new glass-fronted building. Thus there is an increase in size cabinet a balcony in this case turns into something between a bay window and a lamp protruding from the wall.


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